Fried-rice preparation is very simple if you know how to cook rice for fried-rice in a resi-cooker. You just need to pour rice into the re-si-cooker and turn it on. When cooking the rice, make sure that all the grains are separated. Also, mix-ins should be evenly distributed on each spoonful. This will help the fried-rice taste more like rice.
Fried-rice recipes call for leftover cooked rice. If the rice is freshly cooked, it will turn out to be too moist and mushy. To avoid this, spread the rice out on a baking sheet and let it air out for at least one or two hours. This will allow the grains to dry and be more firm. Once cool, mix in the remaining ingredients. If you wish to serve the fried-rice immediately, you should let it cool before you stir-fry it.
You can also cook rice for fried-rice using fresh cooked rice. If you want to prepare sushi, you can use sushi rice. The rice should be fresh, and you should let it cool for a few minutes before stir-frying it. However, if you want to prepare fried-rice with leftover rice, you should use day-old or cooled-down white rice. Fresh rice will turn to mush if fried, so you should avoid it if possible.
If you are cooking rice for fried-rice in a re-cooker, you need to be sure that it is thoroughly chilled. Warm rice will not fry properly and lukewarm rice will end up with soggy clumps. Fresh-cooked rice should be chilled for at least 30 minutes, or if you don’t have leftover rice, you can simply place it in the fridge or freezer.
In addition to using sesame oil for cooking rice, you should add scrambled eggs to make your fried rice extra tasty. You can add eggs in many ways, but the easiest method is to break up the eggs with the top of a spatula and spread them in the middle of the pan. You can also stir in a few sliced scallions and serve them with fried rice.
If you’re wondering how to cook rice for fried rice in a re-si-cooker, don’t forget to add eggs before cooking the rice. White onions and yellow onions work best. However, red and yellow onions are also a good choice. If you’re cooking rice for fried rice, you can add a little peanut oil to the pot. Once the rice is done, add the eggs and fried onions.
In a medium-sized pan, heat three tablespoons of oil over medium-high heat. Place 2 large eggs and half cup chopped carrots into the hot oil. Add two minced garlic cloves and the cooked vegetables to the rice. Let the vegetables cook for about three minutes. Stir in the rice, soy sauce and oyster sauce. After three minutes, switch the setting to white rice. After the vegetables are done, sprinkle a little salt and black pepper over the rice.